
LL.B. Question Papers with Solved Problems (Property Law, Labour Law, Company Law, Public International Law and Interpretation of Statutes) / Useful guide for law exams


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LL.B. Question Papers with Solved Problems (Property Law, Labour Law, Company Law, Public International Law and Interpretation of Statutes) / Useful guide for law exams

  • Author : Compiled by the Editorial Board of Vijay Law Series Dr. RD Vijayasekhar
  • Pages : 252
  • Publisher: Vijay Law Series; First edition
  • Language: English,

LL.B. Question Papers with Solved Problems (Property Law, Labour Law, Company Law, Public International Law and Interpretation of Statutes) / Useful guide for law exams

LL.B. Question Papers with Solved Problems

  • Law, Property
  • Labour Law,
  • Company Law,
  • Public International Law and
  • Interpretation of Statutes

Useful guide for law exams


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