
Buy Civil Procedure (CPC) | C.K. Takwani | 10th Edition | Best text book |


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Civil Procedure (CPC) | C.K. Takwani | 10th Edition |

Product Details:
Format: Paperback
EDITION: 10th.
Publisher: Eastern Book Company
Language: English.

Civil Procedure (CPC) | C.K. Takwani | 10th Edition |


Civil Procedure Code by C.K. Takwani provides an interesting and lucid study of the fundamental principles of civil procedure in a logical sequence.

The topic-wise treatment of the subject along with references to academic writings and judicial decisions makes the study of civil procedure more meaningful and comprehensible.

This book explains complex legal concepts with clarity and coherence as well as covers all aspects and dimensions of law relating to Civil Procedure and Limitations in India. The current ninth edition of the book has been thoroughly revised and updated by the author.

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This is a compact, intelligent, plainly written, and well-organized account of the law relating to Civil Procedure in India. Overall this book is an enormous wealth of information in a compact, easily understandable form. One of the interesting things about the book which sets it apart is the case laws and the case references and the lucid language to understand the complexities of Civil Procedure. This book, prescribed in almost all universities in India, though written for students and junior members of the Bar, is a great reference tool for lawyers and judges.


The clarity of thought and lucidity in style differentiate a masterly author from a compiler of monotonous facts. Among the multitude of Indian law books whose hallmark is lack of originality and clarity, the present work stands apart for its lucidity, clarity and novelty.

-The Academy Law Review

About the author

Chunilal Karsandas Thakker (born 10 November 1943) is a retired judge of the Supreme Court of India. Justice Thakker was born at Mander near Porbandar in the State of Gujarat.

Thakker was appointed as part-time Lecturer in Law in Sir L.A. Shah Law College, Ahmedabad, in 1970 and continued as such until he was elevated to Judge of the High Court of Gujarat on 21 June 1990.

He was also Acting Governor of the State of Maharashtra from July to October 2002. Thakker was appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of India on 7 June 2004

He has written books “Lectures on Administrative Law“, “Civil Procedure” and “Criminal Procedure” which have been appreciated in India as well as in U.S.A. Also revised V. G. Ramchandran’s monumental work “Law of Writs” (1993) and Ratanlal & Dhirajlal’s “Law of Crimes” (2002) (Silver Jubilee Edition).

Table Of Contents:

PART 1 – Preliminary
1. Introduction
2. Definitions

PART 2 – Suits
1. Jurisdiction of Civil Courts
2. Res Sub Judice and Res Judicata
3. Foreign Judgment
4. Place of Suing
5. Institutions of Suit
6. Pleadings
7. Plaint and Written Statement
8. Appearance and Non-appearance of Parties
9. First Hearing
10. Discovery, Inspection and Production of Documents
11. Interim Orders
12. Withdrawal and Compromise of Suits
13. Death, Marriage and Insolvency of Parties
14. Trial
15. Judgment and Decree
16. Special Suits

PART 3 – Appeals, Reference, Review and Revision
1. General
2. First Appeals
3. Second Appeals
4. Appeals from Orders
5. Appeals by Indigent Persons
6. Appeals to Supreme Court
7. Reference
8. Review
9. Revision

PART 4 – Execution
1. Execution in General
2. Courts Which May Execute Decrees
3. Application for Execution
4. Stay of Execution
5. Mode of Execution
6. Arrest and Detention
7. Attachment of Property
8. Questions to be Determined by Executing Court
9. Adjudication of Claims
10. Sale of Property
11. Delivery of Property
12. Distribution of Assets

PART 5 – Miscellaneous
1. Transfer of Cases
2. Restitution
3. Caveat
4. Inherent Powers of Courts
5. Delay in Civil Litigation

PART 6 – Limitation Act
1. Limitation Act, 1963

PART 7 – Commercial Courts


1. Plaint
2. Written Statement
3. Issues
4. First Appeal
5. Second Appeal
6. Revision
7. Injunction Application
8. Affidavit
9. Caveat

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